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Privacy Policy

Technical Support Group Staffing Services Ltd. herein referred to as (“TSG”, “we” or “us”) is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our applicants and clients. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act or any other applicable laws. This Privacy policy does not apply to companies other than TSG.

This Privacy Policy explains the management of your personally identifiable information collected in relation to our services with respect to all processes involved in attaining gainful employment on behalf of our applicants and clients. Given the unique nature of the staffing industry and by the processes described herein, personal information is attained only as reasonably required to complete the process for successful placements of our applicants.

Why We Collect Personal Information

TSG collects your personal information to assist in the placement of Contract, Temporary and Permanent candidates including payroll services, herein referred to as “recruitment services”. This requires us to assess and confirm qualifications with regards to the employment opportunities and interest in such work; as well as related payroll information to obtaining gainful employment.

What Personal Information Do We Collect

“Personal Information” is personally identifiable information, including but not limited to name, address, date of birth, contact details, resume, qualifications, work history, skills and interests.

We collect only the personal information for the purposes of providing recruitment services including all steps in the hiring process, this may include but is not limited to:

Type of InformationExamples of Personal Information Included
ResumesName, address, contact details, education, skills, previous work experience
References & Background ChecksSpecific information related to work experience, qualifications, character, skills and personality
Application FormsName, address, and contact details, skills (including test results), education, and previous work experience
Payroll InformationPeriods of employment, position, SIN, gender, date of birth, emergency contact information, banking information, driver’s abstract, hours of work and overtime hours, wage and overtime rates, tax credits, vacation, leave time granted, taxable benefits and deductions made e.g. RSP contributions
Professional affiliationConfirmation of member in good standing
Garnishee InformationDocumentation of garnishment, garnishee amounts/percentages, requirements and maximums
Contract ConfirmationsMedical certificates, details of incidents/accidents in the workplace, relevant medical information, modified duties provided
OH&S / WCB / GST, LTD DocumentsSigned agreements,  Clearance Letters, GST Registration, Incorporation Papers
Performance MeasuresEvaluations and disciplinary letters/issues
Security MeasuresInternet use/e-mail monitoring programs
Client InformationBusiness name, address, business contact details, contact names, personal information pertaining to contacts, order forms, surveys, correspondence, accounting information including credit checks and applications

How Do We Collect Personal Information

Personal Information is collected in a number of different ways which includes but is not limited to:

  • Submission, to TSG, by candidate of resume and/or educational/professional documentation via mail, fax, electronic mail or in person drop off
  • Recruitment, by TSG staff, from public job boards, networking or social media
  • In person Interview with candidates, discussing and disclosing details of work history, work locations, background, personal situations or views
  • Reference checks, by TSG staff or external service, of candidate’s job skills and performance
  • Verification, by TSG staff, of education, qualifications and affiliations


We ask for consent to collect, use and disclose personal information as required by law. Consent may be requested or assumed in the following ways but is not limited to:

  • When personal information is volunteered verbally or in writing, we assume that you are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of that personal information
  • When contact is initiated with us, we may determine that consent has been implied for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in a reasonable manner
  • We assume consent in cases where information is volunteered for an obvious purpose
  • We assume consent to continue to use and where applicable, disclose personal information that we have already collected, for the purpose for which the information was collected
  • Consent is assumed on submissions of information relative recruitment procedures

How is Personal Information Used

Your Personal information is disclosed only for the sole purposes by which TSG reasonably requires to effectively complete its primary business objective of recruitment services. Your Personal Information is not sold, shared or leased with any outside service unless expressly approved by you. In some cases it is a requirement of certain client companies to perform testing and background checks on candidates through the recruitment process. In such instances these functions may be completed by a TSG representative or by outside agencies specifically dedicated to execute these checks.

When Personal Information is Disclosed Without Consent

  • When required or authorized by law to do so
  • Having to meet legal or regulatory requirements
  • In an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual or the public
  • If information is already publically known
  • Security of Personal Information

We make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete. However; we rely on individuals to notify us if there is a change to their personal information.

We protect personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the information. We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information.

Electronic files:

  • For payroll purposes – Information is that is used during the course of a worker’s assignment is maintained in our offices. Electronic information is stored in our computer systems with a backup stored off-site. These records are retained for as long as is required by all government agencies for purpose of auditing. Third Party payroll systems may be used.
  • For recruiting purposes – Resumes, accreditation documentation, reference information and all other pertinent information required for the purpose of recruitment services is maintained on an individual by way of an internal electronic file and is backed up weekly. These records are retained for as long as is usable for the purpose of securing appropriate employment. As many people may work for many years at many clients through TSG, records will be retained as is reasonably appropriate to continue support of such employment. Third Party recruitment software systems may be used.

All electronic information is protected by passwords, encryption, anti-virus programs and firewalls. TSG engages IT professionals to manage the integrity of all its electronic systems and performs regular maintenance of such.

Paper files:

  • Payroll & Recruiting Information – Storage of paper based information is maintained on site in a secured facility. These records are retained for as long as is required to by all government agencies for purpose of auditing.

We use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.

Access to My Personal Information

Individuals have a right to access their own personal information in a record that is under control of TSG, subject to some exceptions. For example, organizations are required under Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act to refuse to provide information that would reveal personal information about another individual.

By written request to TSG’s Privacy Officer, any individual may request all their Personal Information retained on file. You must provide sufficient information in your request to identify what you are seeking. A reasonable fee will apply for the retrieval and copying of such personal information.

You will be required to verify your identity with two pieces of appropriate identification including a valid driver’s license and/or passport, SIN card or Provincial Health Card. A response will be provided within 45 days of receipt of the request.

All requested information will be provided with exception to that information that falls under provisions as stated in the Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act.

Please direct requests to:


Changes to this Privacy Policy

In order to keep up with changing legislation requirements, this policy may be updated without notice. Please note that this policy does not automatically translate to our client customers. Wherever possible we attempt to ensure that our clients comply with the appropriate privacy legislation as it applies to their business and to respect the Privacy Policy of TSG.

Where Can You Get More Information

Should you require any additional information or have comments or concerns about this privacy policy or the Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act in general please contact:

Phone: (780) 410-3850

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta:

410, 9925 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2J8
Phone: (888) 878-4044