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How We Can Help

It is important to TSG that you receive a comprehensive service embodied with ethics and integrity. Our experience in the staffing industry provides:

  • Access to top talent within a multitude of sectors
  • Recruitment proficiencies to allow Human Resources to focus on other areas of responsibilities
  • Risk mitigation associated with contract workers (PSB – Personal Service Businesses)
  • Accurate and timely payroll/payables for all contingent workers
  • Interface for compliance with all government agencies (CRA, EI, CPP, WCB)
  • Liability mitigation with respect to the CRA, EI, CPP, WCB and indemnification for the client against employment/termination issues
  • Contract workers access to third party benefits including individual health & dental plans, life insurance and long term disability
  • Improved time management and communication with a single source for invoicing and reporting, including the consolidation of contractor invoices and customizing to accounting needs
  • Reduced costs and improved flexibility during de-staffing cycles provided through the special CRA Guidelines defining Placement and Employment agency workers